From Acting Network Theory to Durable Society During a Pandemic

To assist people keeping the distance, while maintaining society and effective comunication.

Results from the interview Appendix

Elective's Elaboration


Society, Social distancing, human-relationship, Online Communication, Efficiency interaction, acting network theory, pandemic

1. Abstract

In the Lockdown situation, due to the Covid-19 crisis, we are less enacting by the design of actors(1) around us since we essentially communicate with people on online platforms. We are in a new version of society, in 2 dimensions. However, many people unwillingly participate in online interaction(2), for example, at the COOP master program, Dessau. Some classes are held on an online platform. Most of my classmates still commute to the Bauhaus Building studio, Dessau, to study online from there together. Following the COVID 19 related rules is necessary. How can we assist people follow the rule of keeping the distance and support society, while maintaining efficiency comunication?

This elaboration aims to understand which main three actors are enacting COOP master students to be pleasurable to participate in online interactions; besides, three actors influence COOP master students to participate in the online interactions for a long time. Moreover, this study also reveals what main three actors affect COOP master students to regularly/immediately leave the online interaction. This study approach to the results by observation and interview is based on three literature pieces, focusing on the COOP master students (case study). This study discovers a new version of life. The main actors that influence us to participate and extend our concentration, and actors that force us away, relate to the physical object, and emotion & feeling.

2. Introduction

According to Yaneva (2009), she says that design aids social durability. She explains that many other connectors glued the social together (Latour, 2005 as cited in Yaneva, 2009). Therefore, this elaboration aims to understand which connectors glue the social together and help social durability in a new social version. In the lockdown situation, due to the Covid-19 crisis, we are less enacting by the design of the actors around us since we mainly contact people on online platforms. We are in a new version of society, in 2 dimensions. Many people unwillingly attend online interactions, for example, in the case study at the COOP master program, Dessau. Some classes are held on an online platform. Most students would like to go to university more than being in front of the screen. They all still carry laptops and ride the bicycle from their apartment to the Bauhaus Building studio, Dessau, to sit and study online together. One man from Berlin takes the train from Berlin to sit in the studio and study online from Dessau. Then he takes the train back to Berlin. However, we should meet people online mainly to support the country to get through the crisis time even for the workplace or studying. Following the COVID 19 related rules are essential. To help people follow the rule of keeping the distance and supporting society to save everyone from COVID 19.

This elaboration approach to the results by observations and interviews my classmate and I based on three literature pieces. Zahle explains that the participant observation method became an explicit research method at approximately the beginning of the twentieth century. "Cultural anthropology, its constitution as a method is first and foremost associated with Bronislaw Malinowski" (Malinowski, 1922 as cited in Zahle, 2012). She states that it is now common to divide basic ways of perceiving into two methods: firstly, narrowly analyzed with participation in the ways of life understudy intergraded with observations of what goes on. Secondly, more broadly, to involve participation and observation and the use of interviews, life stories, document analysis, and the like (Zahle 2012, 53-54).

We research and interview to unfold what main three actors1 are enacting COOP master students to be pleasurable to participate in online interactions2. Three main actors make COOP master students participate in online interactions for a long time. However, this elaboration also unfolds that three actors affect COOP master students immediately/normally leave online interactions.

2.1 Primary question

2.1.1 What are the main three actors influencing COOP master students pleasurable to participate in online interactions?

2.2 Secondary question

2.2.1 What are the main three actors that support COOP master students to participate in an online interaction for a long time?

2.2.3 What are the main three actors influencing COOP master students to leave online interactions regularly / immediately?

2.3 Participant

19 students of COOP design research 2020 (my classmates and I)

2.4 Based Litteratures

2.4.1. Border Crossing – Making the social hold: Towards an Actor-Network Theory of Design(5)

2.4.2 Practical Knowledge and Participant Observation, Inquiry(6)

2.4.3 Field Observational Research in Anthropology and Sociology(7)

2.5 Definition of terms

(1). Actors means everything such as, objects, places, situations, people, pets, actions, feelings, emotions, etc.

(2). Online Interactions defines as communication via an online platform such as online meetings, online classes.

(3) Positive outcomes consist of firstly to be pleased to participate in online interactions. Secondly, to be able to participate in online interactions for a long time (No.1, and 2 in Table above).

(4) Negative result is persuading to leave online interactions normally/immediately (No.3 in table above).

3. Methodology

3.1 Observations in online interactions (25 hours 45 minutes)

3.2 Interviews after online interactions

4. Results

4.1 Setting

I observed my classmates in online interactions and noticed that everyone started using their hands to support their head when the online interactions took more than 15 minutes. There are many reasons for doing this.

Some do this posture, as it is a comfortable posture for a break for neck and back from sitting in front of the screen for a long time; furthermore, from the uncomfortable setting, the distance from screen and chair is so far to lean on, and see the screen in the same time. Another one does this posture since she does not like to lay her head on the chair. This case can particularly happen in the early morning and evening online interactions, while everyone is still drowsy and would like to go to bed.

4.2 Audio Technical & Setting

Everyone has their own ordinary headsets to listen to and understand properly during lectures, especially in Q&A sessions. When the internet connection was terrible, participants closed the camera and used only a microphone to improve the signal and device to communicate in online interactions.

If someone in the class does not has a headset. There is a back noises problem. It is tough to understand what they are speaking. This thing is a burden to make the study efficient.

4.3 Beverages & Foods

According to the observations, my classmates who prepared their food to eat during online interactions could participate in the interactions and concentrate on the topics and discussion for longer than those who did not prepare their food to eat.

Eating in class also happens if the classes start in the early morning or the afternoon. By approximate, they drink beverages every 10 -15 minutes and eat some food every 0.5 to 1 hour.

4.4 The Topics of Discussion, Discuss’ Duration, Fatigue, and Eyes Strain

4.5 Atmosphere

This is the atmosphere in the online session that took time more than three hours without a break. Everyone's face was tired and bored. Some were distracted by something. Some of us were sleeping, and some already offed the camera.When the lecturer said goodbye at the end of the interaction, everyone is happy and pay attention again. Classmates who turned off the camera. They opened the camera again to said goodbye.

According to the interviews and observations, we assemblage participant's answer into 12 schemes, persuading to positive outcomes, namely; Audio and Technical Settings, Setting, Beverages and Foods, Ability to Access Knowledge, Weather and Traveling, Looking at People's faces, Using Laptop Freely, Company Nearby, Short Discussion, Interesting Topics and Speakers, Engaging Discussion, and Others. On the contrary, 9 causes are influencing the negative result. Audio and Technical Settings, Setting, Inappropriate and Irrelevant Topics and Speakers, Unengaging Discussions and Speakers, Too Long Discussion, without a Break, Ability to Access Knowledge, Time Pressure, and Others. The tables following on the next page evaluate the results from the interviews in each question.

5. Conclusion

5.1 Weather & Traveling

Weather and Traveling is the first reason that my classmates and I are pleased to participate in online sessions.

On the one hand, my classmates and I mediate by warm weather and pleasure to participate in online interactions. We can save time from traveling, energy, avoiding from coldness, as well as relax in the situations that we cannot do in the class, for example, sitting wherever in postures they want, wearing half sweater and pajamas, having a break from study to make tea or going to the toilet whenever they would, using the computer freely, eating or drinking whatever they would, when we are hungry or tired.

On the other hand, my classmates and I are persuaded by the cold and low-comfort setting in the studio to attend the online sessions. If we go to the studio, we have to spend time riding or walking in the cold weather, 1-3 degrees Celsius, at least 15-45 minutes. When they arrive at the studio. The studio is not comfortable much, such as the chairs are tough and do not support our shoulder and head, and there are limited electricity sockets.
5.2 Beverages & Foods

Beverages and foods are the second actors that influence most of my classmates and I to be pleased to attend online interactions and attend online interactions for a long time. Some of my classmates are mediated to attend the online interaction since we can eat or sip a cup of chocolate, juice, or tea when tired or whenever we would. It also gives us the power of engaging and concentrating and be conscious of the topics and discussions. Moreover, its function can release stress; furthermore, it provides energy to our brains and bodies to work effectively. We can walk to a kitchen, then make tea when it runs out. One classmate goes to the kitchen to cook food to eat without noticing from everyone when the online interaction takes time very late at night.
5.3 Audio & Technical Settings

Audio and Technical Settings influence some of my classmates and me. Like a stable internet connection and an excellent sound system, noise-canceling earphones make our online interactions very mild and pleasurable. We can hear every speaker speak clearly, as well, as we can perceive what we need to from the online interactions. This is why it is not merely the third of main actors that make my classmate pleased to attend the online interactions, but it is also the first actors that make my classmates, and I attend online interactions for a long time.

Nevertheless, the audio and technical setting is the first actor influencing COOP master students to leave online interaction regularly/immediately. During the observation, I could notice how the audio and technical setting is crucial. In the first observation, my internet connection was crushed. I did not hear anyone for 30 minutes, and everyone's screen was frozen. I missed half of the class before my internet worked again. This thing radically affects our online interaction and study quality. One classmate always has a sound problem, when he displays his work. There is always some weird electric noise when he speaks. Moreover, the screen which he shared did not display 100 percent. It was not easy to understand. One classmate mentions suffering from a series of technical problems like several people with microphones or internet problems. These mediated her to leave online interaction immediately. It is the same as if the speakers' audio and technical setting is not good. Lacking clarity of voice and information influences us would like to leave the online interaction regularly /immediately.
5.4 Interesting Topics/Speakers

Interesting topics and speakers benefit COOP master students in being engaged and concentrating on lectures and discussion in our online interaction for a long time, especially in the topics we are interested in. The speaker asks questions or exhibits interesting visuals, as Divya said, "It is difficult to concentrate on one person. There are so many distractions. This person needs to be interesting for me to concentrate on him" Accordingly, the interesting topics and speakers is the third actors that support my classmates, and I attend the online interactions for a long time.
5.5 Inappropriate & Irrelevant Topics, and Speakers

The irrelevant topics are boring and it is not comfortable to concentrate on. Also, boring topics are becoming more boring during online interactions. Moreover, some topics are inappropriate to discuss sometime. Furthermore, redundant discussion gives the same result. While brutally in questions and answers session form lecturer such as, aggressive voice, inappropriate acting, and communicating something which is hurtful to my classmates and I. These lead me to want to leave the online interactions. Subsequently, Inappropriate and Irrelevant Topics and Speakers is the second actor that immediately influences us to leave online interaction regularly/immediately.
5.6 Too Long Discussion

From the observation and interview, Too Long Discussion is the third actor, persuading us to leave online interaction regularly/immediately. It makes us tired, particularly if there is no break in between. One classmate states that anything more than one hour without breaks is impossible to be a part of. During the observation, some of us got a headache, eyes strain, and four of us were sleeping in front of the screen during the online interactions, which took more than 2.5 to 3 hours without a break. It is very suffered to look at the screen for a long time. My eyes and face were burning. We are hungry and need something for our bodies. If too long discussion happens, cause the speaker starts talking in unpredicting topics, my classmates' face will be very fatigued, and no one will pay attention to it, as it relates to Inappropriate and irrelevant topics.

These results from the interview and observation can be understood as the actors, making people are pleasurable to participate in online interactions to avoid communicating in person. These support people to follow the rule of keeping the distance and supporting society to save everyone from COVID 19. We are dealing with how these actors enact us. We can prepare ourselves to be influenced in positive ways and evade being persuaded in negative ways.

Audiences should prepare the actors that influence them to be pleased to be in place and available to use. Simultaneously, the speakers should also prepare the online interactions to not persuade the audiences in a negative way, for example, in the methods seminary class. The professor always creates an agenda and follow it very strictly. This class is very productive and efficient. Everyone is pleased to participate, and the session does not consume much energy and health from both speaker and audience. My classmate and I are not exhausted and still fresh after the session. Accordingly, if everyone prepares themselves to be influenced in positive ways, they will be able to live their lives following the COVID 19 related rules of keeping the distance and supporting society to get through crisis time, and save everyone from COVID 19.

This study can be developed, specified to suit each individual and society, or used as a tool to develop the future study through the crisis time.

When we did not see people in our society in person, what actors can assist us in durable relationships with them, or what are actors we can provide when we think of them? How can we fill the distance of feeling, which fade away?

References of elective's elaboration*
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